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Importance of having your business professionally presented in the ONLINE world/Digital World after COVID. As COVID have evolved business's to have a presence online. If businesses want to survive then it's a must to have an online presence as after the pandemic everything has shifted Online.
Category Marketing
  • You can target a specific audience

Generally, using social media as an advertisement implies focusing on a particular set of people. Facebook ads do not function differently. Facebook has a rich data system that allows you to target the right audience to help your business.

You can narrow down your targets for every ad from its meticulous attention to detail. You can use various segments like.

  • Gender: your products might be more appropriate for a particular gender and not necessarily all gender. The good news is that you can choose your gender with Facebook ads.
  • Age: some products are for people in their respective age brackets. You can set your ads to the specific people you want and even include their age.
  • Location: Location is important for local business sellers. For example, if you are a business in Auckland, you can focus on residents of New Zealand alone. Facebook ads use search engine optimization to make people in your business environs patronize you. You can Nika Consulting Group Ltd, SEO Experts in Auckland, know how to go about this.
  • Spoken Languages: language helps to communicate, and hence, it is important as some people may not speak the same language as you. You could remove such people from your plans.
  • Interests: Interests are due to users’ Facebook expressed likes, interests, and hobbies from their profile.

Other factors to narrow your targets include education history or job title: political affiliation, income, behaviours, major life events, and recent purchases. You can create your core audiences through these factors or contact people that have had previous interactions with your business.

Facebook ads employ audience insights to gather data for people that have interacted with your page. There are also custom audiences on this tool. The benefits Audience Insight offer is its advantage over PPC. Its demographic targeting is commendable.

  • High retail ROAS on several social platforms

Facebook Ads work. According to statistics, reports show that Facebook ads are self-performing and reliable for eCommerce websites. Facebook, Messenger, Facebook Feed, and Marketplace are all top spots. Many business owners have attested to how Facebook provides the best ROAS and ranks better than Google Shopping.

Many people prefer to click on ads from Facebook because they scroll through their feeds a lot. It is a great platform to put a lot of money into the advertisement. Presently, Facebook is responsible for over 40% of the US’ annual revenue from digital display – this revenue boasts more than Google PPC.

  • Better Types of Ads for your Business Needs

Facebook offers many ad types not available for other paid platforms. You can choose to use any of these means for your Facebook ads.

  • Photo: you can add a caption to your single static image.
  • Video: you can set video ads as in-stream, stories, or in their user feeds.
  • Stories: you can customize ads as stories to occupy the entire screen. Stories can be images or videos which users can check to be a part of your website.
  • Messenger: some ads can appear between conversations on the Messenger App.
  • Carousel: These ads can employ up to ten static images for users to scroll through
  • Slideshow: create short video clips with sound, text, and motion.
  • Collection: Collection ads can display several products as an ad for users to interact with.
  • Playables: Playables are demo games or apps that users preview before downloading the game or app.

With Facebook, you do not have to be restricted to plain texts like PPC. You can give your ads the perfect branding that you think would be effective for your products or services. You should contact Nika Consulting Group Ltd to know the appropriate Ads you need.

  • Facebook Ads are affordable

A great advantage of Facebook Ads is that you can use them freely for all types of business. The cost you must worry about is your budget and the cost of running ads. SMB advertisers love this advantage. Several factors determine the cost. They include your budget, industry, ad types, and more.

The costs are affordable for many start-ups.

  • Facebook provides fast results

Facebook ads are perfect for brands as they can be short- and long-term strategies. As soon as they live, they begin to convert immediately. The process is straightforward – once the Ads Manager sets the ad campaigns, Facebook reviews it, and the ads start to work and show business owners how far they can reach a large audience immediately.

Most times, ads are always approved in 24 hours. Hence, you can expect Facebook ads to begin to yield results immediately after you have launched them.

  • Facebook ads are specific with goals

As a marketer, you should set out objectives for your ads that follow your business goals. Specific goals help to achieve various results with the ads. For instance, you can focus your ads on gaining more post interactions, generating more leads, or driving more traffic to the website. You may need to reach out to a trusted Digital Marketing Agency in Auckland to know the specific goals you can have.

Your ads could be for.

  • Improvement of engagement on your website or content.
  • Promotions of the page to get more engagements and likes to the business’s Facebook page.
  • Website referral traffic
  • Promotions that allow people to interact with one’s page

Your goals could be for the broader vision, such as sales, leads, and expanding visibility.

  • Access to powerful data

Facebook Ads Manager provides businesses with an extensive array of performance insights and data. You can measure the ad through the ad tools. The Admeasurement offers insight into its performance which includes its demographics. You can monitor the process.

  • Breakdowns: ad managers allow brands to know their audience’s gender, age, devices, and locations.
  • Attribution reports: this helps to know the important points that can help funnel marketing.
  • Split-testing options and Ad Comparisons to finetune the several campaigns and their variation.
  • Privilege to reach out to the largest audience

Facebook has over 2 billion active users. This is one of the single largest audiences you can reach once. In addition to this, Facebook has acquired Instagram, and you can access both platforms without any hassle. Advertisers can use both platforms to display their ads with a bit of set-up.

Now, Instagram has over a billion users. Statistics have it that about half of them are active to interact daily. Facebook advertising helps large and small businesses access a large audience that is not readily available at another place.

Many users have attested to getting to know about products through Facebook and Instagram. All thanks to its massive reach.

Other benefits that Facebook provide are.

  • Easy set-up of Pay PER Click
  • Sponsoring messages with good benefits
  • Better content marketing results


Sometimes, you need a specialist to get the job done for you – your specialist could be Creative Marketing Agency Auckland or Google AdWords Specialist Auckland. No matter what your brand is, you need the support of an experienced group to set things straight. It is important to say that Facebook Ads will only be effective if you work alongside an expert.

Contact us with a call on 0800114687 or visit our website at for more details, or email us at

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Consulting Group LTD